Wednesday 8 February 2017

RA100 Week 4: Web Design & 3D Animation:

Week 4 has definitely been the most enjoyable week for me since beginning the course.

We began the week using - a free template web design portal. Creating an interactive website as an avenue to view the work we had done over the last month is a great way to present the project, as well as helpful for the future in terms of personal brand promotion. The templates on Wix are easy to manipulate and I will be using this site a lot in the future.

We then moved to 3D Animation - using CINEMA 4D, we created a 3D text file, as the introduction to our music video, which we would later import to Final Cut. Although this was an extremely basic introduction, navigating the software will be great for future 3D animations.

RA100 Week 3 -Video Editing and Graphic Design:

Week 3 began with more video editing techniques - at this point we had learned all of the skills necessary to create the music video (with clips that had been shot by one of our tutors Ant on recording day in the studio). 

The remainder of the week we were creating an 'Album (Single) Cover' - using Adobe Photoshop, we learned how to enhance still images, as well as splice multiple images. This was great to learn, as Photoshop is another program that I had never used, but had heard a lot about. 

The skills learned this week are definitely transferrable for me, and I have already began creating artwork through Photoshop for personal brand enhancement.

RA100 Week 2 - Editing and Computing:

Week 2 began with an introduction to computers - learning the basics of computer technology and the hardware involved in a computer build. This was definitely a highlight for me as I had been wanting to learn these things for some time.

This was followed by Audio editing - using Pro Tools, we began cutting up the 4x Audio channels (Drums, Bass, Vocals, Guitar). As these were recorded live and separately, the timing of each track would need to be altered to fit into each other. Learning the basics of Pro Tools was interesting, as I had never used this DAW before.

The final day of week 2 was an introduction to Final Cut Pro X - video production and editing software. I had never used this software before, but had heard a lot about it, so using this for the first time was definitely an eye opener.
RA100 Week 1 - Introduction:

Week one began with orientation, which gave us an overview of what we would be learning throughout the year. This was quickly followed by 'recording basics' - giving us an interesting overview of the audio production cycle, as well as a deeper insight of how mixing desks work. 

The last day of this week, we were able to check out the Classics studio, where we recorded Drums, Bass, Vocals, and Guitar in a live environment. It was great to finally see the studio and use it in this environment, recording the 4 tracks for the RA100 module, which we would end up cutting up as the Audio segment for our first assignment.